What is EFT?
​EFT or tapping, is a form of ‘energy psychology’ which is based on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupressure points on the body’s meridians. Past therapies have focused on our minds and thoughts, but current research is showing that we need to use our bodies as well to achieve true wellbeing - EFT uses both.
Using your fingertips, you tap through a sequence of points on the hands, face, and body while focusing on uncomfortable feelings or concerns. Tapping naturally reduces feeling of stress and anxiety which allows you to look at and reframe your memories and beliefs and to begin using positive affirmations to further neutralize those feelings. Memories stay the same but the emotional response dissolves
How EFT Tapping Works in the Body
Research is showing that as you tap through the EFT sequence, the release of cortisol, the 'fight or flight' hormone is reduced. This allows for you to calmly look at memories and/or situations that normally cause you emotional discomfort.
A lot of our core beliefs are made within our early childhood experiences, with a child's perspective. When we are enabled to calmly look again at experiences that have shaped our core beliefs with an adult perspective, we can often gain new information and have positive realisations. You can then change beliefs that are no longer true for you, reducing reactions to usually triggering situations - Allowing you to truly experience emotional freedom.​
Follow this link for a 16min Ted Talk by Peta Stapleton about EFT Bing Videos